State of Volunteering Report released

Media release
A new report has been released today highlighting the significant value, contributions, and growth of the volunteering sector in Western Australia.
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media release

The 2023 Western Australia State of Volunteering Report was made possible by funding from Volunteering WA and the Department of Communities.

The report found that 1.5 million Western Australians aged 15-and-over volunteered more than 398 million hours in 2023, generating $63.9 billion of social and economic value for the State, up from $39 billion in 2015. It's the first report to capture volunteering in WA since 2015. 

The report findings will create a benchmark for national comparisons and help shape the sector's future.

Volunteering Minister Don Punch welcomed the release of the report, which highlights the significant value, contributions, and growth of the volunteering sector in Western Australia. 

Read Minister Punch's full media statement.