Tick treat your dog before travelling

News story
Treat your dog for ticks before travelling to reduce the risk of it developing or spreading ehrlichiosis, a serious disease of dogs.
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Red and blue heeler in car

Ehrlichiosis is spread by the bite of an infected brown dog tick. The disease was found for the first time in Australia in 2020 in Western Australia and the Northern Territory.

The disease is established in the Kimberley and has also been found in the Pilbara, Gascoyne and northern Goldfields.

If taking your dog to northern WA, reduce the risk of ehrlichiosis in the dog by visiting your vet before travelling to obtain a suitable tick treatment.

Travellers leaving the Kimberley and heading south are also reminded of the dog movement conditions in place to reduce the spread of ehrlichiosis to southern areas of WA.

Read more about ehrlichiosis, including dog movement conditions in WA.