The 2021 Cockburn groundwater allocation plan guides our management of groundwater resources to support both water users and the ecosystems that depend on groundwater.
The Dinner Hill allocation statement guides how we manage groundwater in Dinner Hill subarea of the Jurien groundwater area, part of the Northern Perth Basin.
The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (the department) has implemented a Policy Framework to ensure all documents across our business areas are classified into a clear and structured document hierarchy and governance model
The Department of Water and Environmental Regulation has implemented a Policy Framework initiative to classify all documents across our business areas into a clear and structured document hierarchy and governance model.
We are developing a new allocation plan to provide a framework to manage groundwater use in the Esperance area for the benefit of all water users and the community.
The Gingin groundwater allocation plan sets out how we will allocate and manage the groundwater resources in the Gingin area. The Gingin groundwater and surface water allocation plans: 2024 evaluation statement updates some of these management arrangements.
The Gingin surface water allocation plan sets out our approach for managing the Gingin surface water resources and provides allocation limits. The Gingin groundwater and surface water allocation plans: 2024 evaluation statement updates some of these management arrangements.
The Jurien groundwater allocation plan and Dinner Hill allocation statement guide how we manage groundwater in the Northern Perth Basin around Jurien, Cervantes and Moora townships.
The Lower Gascoyne water allocation plan guides how we manage groundwater and surface water around Carnarvon to provide water for use while protecting water quality and water-dependent values.
This plan sets out how we will manage the surface water resources of the Middle Canning River from the base of the Canning Dam to Kent Street Weir in Wilson.
The 2012 Murray groundwater allocation plan and the 2022 Murray groundwater area allocation statement set out how we manage the Murray groundwater resources.
This plan is used to manage competing demands for water between hydroelectricity generation and the expanding irrigation industry, while maintaining sufficient flow into the lower Ord River to protect the riverine environment.
The Pilbara groundwater allocation plan guides how we manage groundwater resources and licensing across the Pilbara region, including Millstream and the West Canning Basin.
We recognise the need to both protect the river and its dependent values and support pathways for people to pursue economic development opportunities across the Fitzroy River Catchment.
The Water Register is a web-based application allows you to search, view and print information about water availability and licences, mostly free of charge.