Local Coordination - Planning

Planning is important for people in all life stages, helping them prepare for the future. Planning helps individuals with disability and their families to feel more confident about how their lives will unfold.
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A clear plan, driven by the individual and their family, enables them to achieve their goals for a good life.

Individualised planning approach

The person with disability is central to the planning process and their considered response to key questions will be the foundations of a personalised, future-focused, responsive and reviewable plan.

Individualised planning also provides opportunities for people to consider possibilities and discuss how they would like their life to be now and into the future.  

Individual plans reflect and acknowledge the importance of informal, natural supports such as friendships and neighbours, and local community connections. Planning may identify a requirement for formal supports and services however; these are most effective when they are complementary to and strengthening of informal natural relationships and connections in the person’s life. The plan documents the individual’s goals for a good life, the strategies to achieve these, and those related to the disability that may require funding.

Planning questions to consider

  • How would I like my life to be?
  • Who am I and what is my life like now?
  • What would I like to build on?
  • How can this happen?

A current and relevant plan will reflect people’s aspirations and goals, their current circumstances and clear pathways to achieving their goals.