Building WA’s climate resilient future

The State Government is taking action to ensure Western Australia’s communities, environment and economy are resilient and continuously adapting to climate change in a forward-looking, fair and collaborative manner.
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Western Australia is already experiencing the impacts of climate change, including more frequent and severe droughts, heatwaves, high-risk bushfire weather, extreme rainfall events and rising sea levels. These changes are affecting our communities, our infrastructure, our environment and water supplies, and all sectors of the state’s economy.  

A comprehensive response to climate change must include measures to reduce emissions, and measures to adapt and build climate resilience. The Climate Adaptation Strategy delivers priority actions to ensure our communities and economy are resilient to risks posed by climate change. 

Adaptation plays a key role in reducing exposure and vulnerability to climate change. As defined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, adaptation is the process of adjustment to the actual or expected effects of climate change to moderate harm or take advantage of beneficial opportunities. 

Adapting to climate change can include a range of responses, including improving our understanding of climate risks, designing and constructing climate-resilient infrastructure, supporting vulnerable communities, and enhancing communication about practical actions households can take. 

The Climate Adaptation Strategy builds on the Western Australian Climate Policy, and sets out a comprehensive approach to building statewide climate resilience.  

Key initiatives now underway include:   

  • investing in detailed and comprehensive climate science projections to support informed risk assessment and good adaptation planning – read more about the  Climate Science Initiative 

  • developing and implementing a new Climate Risk Framework to manage climate impacts to State Government assets and operations, minimising the risks of service disruption and costs to taxpayers – read more about Climate change risk 

  • delivering a Sector Adaptation Plan Program for Western Australia to identify sector-specific climate impacts and priority adaptation actions 

  • engaging with Aboriginal leaders and regional communities on a First Nations Climate Resilience Fund to build trust, share knowledge and design a dedicated fund for Aboriginal-led adaptation projects 

  • collaborating with researchers, community organisations and the private sector to establish a Western Australian Adaptation Research Hub that identifies priority research needs and funding requirements. 

In 2023, the State Government announced that climate change legislation will be introduced to Parliament. This will create statutory requirements for development of adaptation strategies and plans, further enhancing the focus on climate resilience across the public sector.