Our structure

Responsible to the Minister for Training and Workforce Development, and led by the Director General Ms Karen Ho, the Department of Training and Workforce Development comprises four directorates and includes management of Muresk Institute and TAFE International WA.
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Each of our four directorates has a key role to play in all aspects of the Department’s core business, from strategic planning and policy development through to delivering programs and services to build and support WA’s workforce, and is led by an Executive Director.

Director General: Ms Karen Ho

As independent statutory bodies, the WA State Training Board and the WA Training Accreditation Council (TAC) report directly to the Minister.

Our directorates

The Corporate directorate is responsible for establishing, maintaining and monitoring the Department's governance structures, and providing corporate oversight and administration of the Department's human, financial, physical, and information and communications technology resources.

Executive Director: Mr Graham Thompson

Our Policy, Planning and Innovation directorate determines how the Department's funding will be allocated. Working with industry, training providers, the WA community and government at all levels, the directorate also coordinates the State's response to local needs and national initiatives.

Executive Director: Ms Jodie Wallace

The Service Delivery directorate leads areas that deliver services directly to the WA community. This includes Apprenticeship Office, Migration Services, TAFE International WA and Training Sector Services.

Executive Director: Mr Brad Jolly

Our Service Resource Management directorate purchases training and other services from TAFE colleges, private training providers and community organisations. The directorate also develops and manages WA’s training infrastructure, develops governance processes to support TAFE colleges, and manages Muresk Institute.

Executive Director: Ms Elaine Paterson

Muresk Institute

The Department owns and manages Muresk Institute, which supports WA's agriculture industry by brokering agriculture and other innovative training and research programs.

Find out more about Muresk

TAFE International Western Australia

We manage and support international students studying at WA TAFE colleges through TAFE International WA (TIWA).

Find out more about TIWA

WA Migration Services

Our team at WA Migration Services offers a range of services to support migrants to Western Australia, and to support WA employers to build their workforce through skilled migration.

TAC Secretariat

The Training Accreditation Council (TAC) is WA's registering and course accrediting body. It is responsible for the quality assurance and recognition of vocational education and training services in WA. While the Council itself remains an independent statutory body reporting directly to the Minister, the Department assumed responsibility for the TAC Secretariat on 1 January 2019.

Visit the TAC website for further information

Office of the State Training Board

The Office of the State Training Board (OSTB) provides secretariat and research support for the WA State Training Board.

As a branch of the Department, the OSTB sits within the Policy, Planning and Innovation directorate.

Find out more about the WA State Training Board

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