FuelWatch reports a disruption to the usual weekly petrol price cycle in Perth.
For the past five years, the weekly cycle has been consistent, with most fuel outlets in the Perth metropolitan area hiking their regular unleaded petrol (ULP) prices every Tuesday by about 20 cents per litre (cpl) on average. Prior to June 2015, the cycle involved prices being increased on a Thursday.
In recent weeks, some of Perth’s major fuel companies have been hiking their prices on different days of the week and moving away from the usual Tuesday hikes. On Tuesday 28 January 2020 the average ULP price hike was 14 cpl; last Tuesday 4 February 2020 it was only ten cpl and tomorrow 11 February 2020 it will be 7.2 cpl, the average being 134.8 cpl – up from today’s 127.6 cpl.
FuelWatch Manager Ben Derecki said it may take another week or so before it is clear if a new pattern will be established.
“Although it would appear that on average Mondays are still the cheapest days and Tuesdays the most expensive, only two major brands are increasing their ULP price tomorrow – Coles Express up to 159.9 cpl and BP to 157.9 cpl,” Mr Derecki said.
“Most major branded retailers are still continuing to drop their ULP price tomorrow, so further savings can be made by holding off your petrol purchase for another day.
“FuelWatch will continue to monitor the Perth market closely and alert motorists when any price hikes occur and issue further advice if a new cycle becomes apparent.
“In the meantime, we encourage motorists to continue to use the FuelWatch website to locate the cheapest fuel in their area on any given day.”
Drivers can head to the mobile compatible www.fuelwatch.wa.gov.au site to find the cheapest fuel in their area. Log on after 2.30pm each day to compare today’s and tomorrow’s prices. You can also sign up for free emails along with the 11,000 others who benefit from daily updates. Alternatively, phone 1300 30 40 54.
Media Contact: Alan Hynd, (08) 6552 9248 / 0429 078 791 / alan.hynd@demirs.wa.gov.au