Waste management

Recycling, collecting rubbish, managing waste and sewerage, reporting littering and paying an infringement.

Container deposit scheme

Containers for Change allows consumers to take empty beverage containers covered by the scheme to a refund point to receive a refund of 10 cents.

E-waste to landfill ban in WA

As electronics and electrical items have become essential to the lives of most Western Australians, e-waste has become one of the fastest-growing waste streams in Australia.

Local government waste plans

Waste plans outline how local governments will manage waste services to achieve consistency with the Waste Strategy and protect public health and the environment.

Pay your litter infringements

You may be issued an infringement for throwing or dropping litter, even unintentionally, as it is an offence under the Litter Act 1979.

Quinns Quarry Neerabup

Quinns Quarry is a waste management facility located in Neerabup. There have been several fires at the facility resulting in smoke in nearby residential areas.

Waste Data Online

Report your annual waste data to the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation.

Waste reform consultation

We are progressing several waste reform projects to support the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy 2030.