The program will make funding available for eligible applicants to seek expert advice and planning from professional consultants.
Vouchers of up to $10,000 with a matched funding contribution will be available to eligible applicants to seek expert advice and planning from professional consultants. The program aims to help analyse and understand some of the feasibility factors around small scale abattoir operations.
As part of eligibility to apply, applicants will be required to attend a facilitated session with DPIRD before their application can be submitted. Please email the SSAF voucher team on SSAFvouchers@dpird.wa.gov.au to register your interest in attending a facilitated session.
For a full list of eligibility requirements and further information on the grant, please refer to the Program Guidelines and FAQs.
Applications for the voucher are open until the 30th of June 2025 (or until funding is exhausted, whichever occurs first) and will only be considered when applied for through SmartyGrants.
Our Agribusiness Development team can be contacted via agribusiness@dpird.wa.gov.au.