New Karel Avenue extension will improve safety and access

30/11/05 A new bridge, which would see the removal of the level crossing on Karel Avenue, has been added to the Roe Highway Stage 7 Project scope of works.

A new bridge, which would see the removal of the level crossing on Karel Avenue, has been added to the Roe Highway Stage 7 Project scope of works.
Planning and Infrastructure Minister Alannah MacTiernan announced today the $5.8million project, which is supported by Jandakot Airport, local government and the community, would commence on-site shortly.
"This connection will provide improved and direct access to airport facilities from Roe Highway and Karel Avenue and free up traffic movements in the area," Ms MacTiernan said.
"The community and the airport expressed the need for improved access between Karel Avenue, Hope Road, and Berrigan Drive and as a result a roundabout will be constructed connecting the three roads," she said.
Ms MacTiernan said that the project had been able to proceed after a commitment by Jandakot Airport to contribute two thirds of the cost, with the State contributing the remaining funds.
"The State has been able to gain a valuable piece of infrastructure and it is an excellent example of the State working with private enterprise for mutual benefit," she said.
Work on the extension project would commence this month and is scheduled for completion in May 2006.
Minister's office: 9213 6400
