Western Trade Coast: Interactive online map

Online tool developed as part of the Global Advanced Industries Hub program to assess the Western Trade Coast
Last updated:


The Western Trade Coast Interactive Online Map was designed in 2023 to accompany the Western Trade Coast Rapid Current State Assessment. It allows users to identify the precinct’s proponents and map by-product utilisation and synergies in the Western Trade Coast. 

During the development of the map, it was determined that the Western Trade Coast:

  • has 122 industrial synergies between tenants.
  • exports to 32 different countries.
  • employs approximately 3% of the State’s workforce. 

Information sources used to develop the tool include data sourced from government (Landgate, Dept of Transport, Dept of Planning, DevelopmentWA, Geoscience Australia, Westport), ESRI, Open Street Map, ACIL Allen, AECOM, Kwinana Industries Council, ATCO Gas, Western Power, Water Corporation and survey information collected for the Western Trade Coast Summary Report.

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