Consumer Data Right

Energy Policy WA has released a paper on the applicability of the Consumer Data Right to the Western Australian energy sector.
Last updated:

On 26 November 2017, the Australian Government announced the introduction of a Consumer Data Right that will give consumers greater access to and control over their data. The Consumer Data Right has been operational in the banking sector since 1 July 2020 and implementation for the energy sector is under development. It is anticipated that the Consumer Data Right will eventually apply across the Australian economy.

While no date is set for implementation in the Western Australian energy sector, it is expected to apply in jurisdictions participating in the National Electricity Market in late 2021.

The Consumer Data Right will improve consumers’ ability to compare and switch between products and services, where such choice exists, and promote competition between service providers. It could also lead to more innovative products and services and, potentially, better prices for customers.

Providing access to data under a robust governance framework is in the long-term interest of all customers. Given the regulatory reforms underway in Western Australia, Energy Policy WA considers that an assessment of the regulatory and policy arrangements for the Consumer Data Right for the energy sector should be undertaken following the substantive completion of these reform actions. Further information is available in the Position Paper below.

In the interim, energy customers in Western Australia already have certain rights to data and industry participants have been proactive in making additional data available to customers through online portals. The Information Sheet below outlines how Western Australian customers can access their energy data, and how they may choose to use it.
