Building Leadership Impact: A new approach to leadership development

News story
A new initiative to build the impact of leadership across the entire public sector
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Building Leadership Impact

Public Sector Commissioner Sharyn O’Neill today launched Building Leadership Impact – a thoroughly researched and contemporary initiative putting the Western Australian public sector at the forefront of leadership development thinking.

The initiative is an unprecedented investment in our people – all 160,000 plus public sector staff no matter their pay grade, qualifications, age, role or experience. They now have a wealth of information, resources and learning opportunities to strengthen their leadership behaviours.

As a sectorwide initiative, Building Leadership Impact means everyone can have the same discussions about leadership with their managers, colleagues and staff no matter where their career takes them in the sector.

Each agency is implementing Building Leadership Impact in their own way and timeframe, but with the same conditions to drive positive behaviour change.

More information is on or, if you work in the WA public sector, check your intranet.