The progress report highlights the achievements of the first two years implementing the Gnangara plan and provides an update on:
- recent climate and rainfall
- recent groundwater level trends
- licensing statistics
- the status of plan actions
- other work with key stakeholders and industry partners.
The Gnangara plan, part of the State Government’s Waterwise program, was released in June 2022 and responds to ongoing groundwater level declines across Perth’s most important water resource, the Gnangara groundwater system.
Groundwater is a precious resource for Perth’s communities, agriculture, industries and environment. Implementing the Gnangara plan is part of our broader effort to safeguard water supplies in the face of climate change and decreasing rainfall. The work under the Gnangara plan is key to transforming Perth into a leading waterwise community, and we will continue to collaborate with stakeholders to ensure the long-term sustainability of the Gnangara groundwater system.