Feedback and complaints

We are committed to providing high quality services to meet our customers’ needs. Our customer service charter guides our relationship with you. We aim to foster positive and mutually respectful and collaborative relationships consistent with our values.
Last updated:

We welcome feedback on our service delivery and respect our customers’ rights to complain.

If you wish to make a suggestion about how we could improve what we do, or if you are not satisfied with any aspect of the department’s functions, please preferably contact us via our online feedback form. If this is not possible contact our customer feedback coordinator through the contacts shown on this page.

What is a complaint?

A complaint is any unresolved expression of dissatisfaction raised with the department by, or on behalf of a customer, including members of the public, government agencies, or other external organisations, that relates to the department’s products or services, the performance, behaviour and conduct of staff, or the complaints handling process itself.

Any complaint, suggestion, or compliment must be for the purpose of doing business with the department and the services we provide.

A complaint does not include the following:

  • any matter relating to a product or service, where information or clarification is sought about government policies and/or legislation which is outside the direct control of the department.
  • matters that are covered by existing statutory processes that provide appeal mechanisms.
  • approaches made directly to the Minister or the State Ombudsman.
  • allegations of misconduct by public officers. The Public Sector Commission is responsible for dealing with minor misconduct while the Corruption and Crime Commission deals with serious misconduct.
  • disclosures about wrongdoing within the state public sector involving improper conduct or irregular use of public resources can be pursued through the guide to public interest disclosures in WA public authorities.

Privacy protected

The department will protect the complainant’s confidentiality and privacy and offer whatever assistance they need to lodge a formal complaint, recognising their right to be heard without fear of retribution and at no charge.

Assistance for customers with special needs

To ensure that customers who need to contact the department are not disadvantaged as a result of language barriers, interpreters can be organised on behalf of customers to assist and documents can be translated into an appropriate language upon request.

If you need help as a result of a hearing or speech impairment the National Relay Service can assist by telephoning 13 36 77 (free call).

Complaints process

  • Why do we need to know?
    • Your complaints and feedback are important as they help improve our services as well as telling us what we are doing well. If you are unable to lodge a complaint, you may nominate someone to act on your behalf.
  • What information is needed?
    • A simple statement telling us the nature of the service/conduct is all that is required. Should further information be required, we will contact you.
  • What will happen then?
    • Your submission is recorded and the investigation process begins.
  • When should I receive a reply?
    • We aim to:
      • respond to telephone messages and acknowledge receipt of emails by close of business on the same or following business day
      • reply to general correspondence within 10 business days of receipt
      • respond to general complaints within 10 business days
      • acknowledge and rectify our errors.
  • What if I do not receive a reply?
    • If you do not receive any reply within ten days of lodging your feedback or complaint, please contact our customer feedback coordinator. The coordinator will immediately follow up on this matter.
  • What if I do not receive a satisfactory reply?
    • If you feel the reply is unsatisfactory you may take the matter up with the department. If after further discussion you remain dissatisfied, you have the option to refer the matter to the Ombudsman Western Australia.