Rangers welcome staff to on Country water camp

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Set against the stunning backdrop of Carawine Gorge and Running Waters in East Pilbara and home to some of the oldest rocks and stromatolites on the planet, staff and the Pilbara Ranger Network united for an on Country camp.
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A first of its kind, the activity aimed to empower the Rangers with the skills to manage water resources on Country, marking a significant step towards shared water management with Traditional Owners.

The camp saw a diverse gathering of around 60 Rangers from six different Pilbara Traditional Owner groups and two Kimberley Traditional Owner groups, alongside researchers, scientists and local stakeholders, all committed to preserving the region's precious hydrogeological heritage.

“This collaboration lays a solid foundation to walking the first steps in shared management of water together,” said Adrienne Sanders, District Manager, North West Region.

The camp kicked off with a Welcome to Country ceremony, led by respected Nyamal Elder Tony Taylor. Campers experienced a traditional dance followed by kangaroo tail and damper, offering a deeper understanding of Nyamal culture.

Evenings were filled with laughter and storytelling under the stars, forging deep connections between all involved.

Our staff introduced the Rangers to the scientific principles guiding the department’s regulatory decisions.

“When we are open in our decision making and provide context for the science underpinning those decisions, we earn the trust and respect of Traditional Owners,” said Adrienne.

Topics discussed included the hydrogeology of the local area, the significance of water flow measurement, aquatic ecology and river health indicators. They learned waterbugs can be used to gauge the ecological health of a waterbody during an interactive waterbug sampling session. 

“We will continue to build relationships and trust, learn from one another, share information, and put the two-way learning into practice,” said Adrienne.

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