Resources to help household employers understand employment obligations

News story
In June 2022, new employment obligations were introduced for people who directly employ someone to provide domestic services in their home. These people are referred to here as household employers.
Last updated:

In June 2022, new employment obligations were introduced for people who directly employ someone to provide domestic services in their home. These people are referred to here as household employers.

People who self-manage NDIS funding and directly employ their own support staff are likely to be household employers.  

Wageline has a publication specifically for household employers who employ a disability or aged care support worker. It’s called Employment entitlements for support workers – a guide for household employers and is available in two formats – one of which is an Easy Read publication.

Both versions are available on the Employment obligations for household employers page.

Household employers can contact Wageline via or call Wageline on 1300 655 266 if they have specific questions about their employment obligations. Wageline can also be contacted via the National Relay Service or the Translating and Interpreting Service.


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