Stumping up to sustainability

News story
Sustainable forestry has become child's play at Brunswick Junction Primary School with the establishment of a nature playground.
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Brunswick Junction Primary School nature playground

Brunswick Junction Primary School Principal Claire Nicol said the establishment of a nature playground supported the school’s vision of creating different opportunities to challenge children’s thinking; as well as aligning with the Education Departments cross curriculum priorities of sustainability.

“We want our students to have nature play areas to become a normal part of every child’s learning, so they can develop resilience, creative thinking skills and their ability to negotiate risks,” Ms. Nicol said.

“When the opportunity arose to think out side of the square around expanding our play areas at the school, we simply asked our students and found that they loved interacting with our existing tree stumps and trees so we looked at ways that we could best incorporate that.”

“We know that nature brings out the best in our children and we also know that children spend way more time indoors then we ever did growing up.”

The children have responded extremely positively to our new playground area and a couple of their comments include;

“It’s really fun but can be a bit scary when you go across the beam” and “I like how the bark is still on the tree stumps, they feel furry when I touch them.”