An evaluation of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a Rural Run Off Road Crash program in Western Australia

Research and analysis
Single vehicle loss-of-control run-off-road crashes are a significant issue in regional and remote Western Australia, where they accounted for almost 60% of all road deaths and serious injuries from 2008 to 2012.
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The aim of this research was to evaluate the nearly 1000 kilometres of rural WA roads that were treated under the rural Run-off-road Crash Program between 2012 and 2015, which utilised the treatments 'shoulder widening and/or sealing' and 'audible edgelines'. The preliminary evaluation performed by C-MARC at the end of 2016 found the WA program to reduce run-off-road crashes (all severities) by 35.5% and run-off-road killed or serious injury (KSI) crashes by 25.5%.

Road safety benefit:
The research found that investment in regional roads is improving road safety. The research also noted that the Run-off-road Crash Program performed well in economic terms. In relation to the net economic worth of the program, the net present value and the benefit-cost ratio across the treated sites were estimated to be $100.2 million and 2.1 respectively, indicating cost savings to the community of $2.10 for each $1 invested.
