Improving curve delineation: A review of the literature and investigation of crashes on midblock curves in WA 2007-2011

Research and analysis
This research looked at the crashes occurring on curved roads in WA. The aim of this research was to examine ways to improve curve delineation, to make the curves safer.
Last updated:

The analysis of crashes on midblock curves in WA 2007-2011 highlighted the involvement of higher speed zones, alcohol and younger, less experienced drivers.

The research found that enhancing curve delineation can potentially improve this crash type and recommended:

  • A review of information and information sharing with asset holders (local Government and MRWA).
  • A trial of the Chevroflex Chevron Alignment Marker in identified high crash frequency locations.

Road safety benefit:
The research found that there are some cheap but effective ways to improve the safety of curves through pavement markings and markers on posts. There are also some effective but more expensive ways to make drivers aware they are coming into a curve, including raised pavement markers and flashing beacons.
