Safer road crossings for pedestrians including older pedestrians and pedestrians with disabilities

Research and analysis
The aim of this research was to identify options to improve the safety of crossing roads by pedestrians in Western Australia, including those at most risk such as older people and those with disabilities.
Last updated:

The research found:

  • Older people and people with disabilities share similar issues and characteristics when trying to cross the road.
  • There are currently several different types of crossings in Western Australia.
  • A variety of measures designed to improve road crossing for older people and those with disabilities have been trialled across the World, to varying degrees of success.

Road safety benefit:
The research was beneficial to the extent that Government received a report that gave a comprehensive overview of road crossing issues and options for improvements, together with evidence of effectiveness where available. The report recommended continual placement of safe crossing options where required and improvements to existing crossings. Reviewing the environment around crossings to further improve safety by reducing speeds and implementing other traffic calming measures. The report also recommended further research into emerging crossing safety improvements including trials and evaluation of effectiveness.
