Treasury’s 2021-24 Strategic Plan

Underpinned by the Department’s core vision, mission and values, Treasury’s strategic plan is reviewed every three years and articulates our strategic direction.
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On a yearly basis, the goals outlined in the strategic plan are used to inform and develop annual business unit operational plans. These operational plans form the basis on which team work plans and individual Development and Performance agreements (DaPs) are developed.

A key consideration for Treasury going forward is to ensure we continue to achieve our strategic priorities within current and future resourcing constraints. The 2021 strategic planning process provided executive the opportunity to review the Department’s strategic direction, and to re-evaluate how we see ourselves moving forward as a trusted Government advisor.

2021-24 Strategic Planning

As part of this year’s strategic planning process, we reviewed Treasury’s vision, mission, values and strategic goals, with consideration given to whether the current strategic plan fully reflected our Department and its focus for the next three years.

The development of our 2021-14 Strategic Plan was informed by:

  • feedback from staff across the Department via staff surveys
  • environmental scans of other Treasury's vision and mission statements
  • consideration of the current economic and financial environment
  • awareness of the Government's priorities

Our new Plan highlights our vision to be highly valued and trusted as the State's pre-eminent economic and financial policy advisor. We will work collaboratively with other stakeholders to offer solutions focused advice to the Government of the day, and lead financial management capability across the public sector.

Treasury’s 2021-24 Strategic Plan will be incorporated into business units’ annual operational plans as well as reflected within individuals DaPs to reinforce our strategic focus.