Review of WA’s COVID-19 management and response: Terms of reference

An independent review of the State's COVID-19 management and response.
Last updated:

The WA Government has commissioned an independent review of the State's COVID-19 management and response. The terms of reference below explain what is being reviewed.

The review will consider WA’s COVID-19 management and response to ensure preparedness for future pandemics.

In particular, it will examine and provide recommendations on the following:

  1. Pandemic planning and preparedness, specifically:
    1. Public sector pandemic plans and policies; and
    2. Public sector capacity and capability.
  2. Government programs and processes to support the health response, specifically:
    1. COVID-19 testing, including the Free Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) program, procurement of ventilators, mask distribution, and vaccine rollout; and
    2. Digital solutions (e.g. PHOCUS, VaccinateWA, G2G, SafeWA and ServiceWA).
  3. Intragovernmental communication and cooperation, specifically:
    1. Structures and resource mobilisation across the public sector; and
    2. Data collection, sharing and use.
  4. Community support, engagement, and communication, specifically:
    1. Public communications and campaigns; and
    2. Industry and community engagement.
  5. The effectiveness of public health levers on health outcomes, specifically:
    1. Public health and social measures, including borders; and
    2. Testing, tracing, isolation, and quarantine.

In addition to considering Government’s future preparedness, the reviewers will also consider the economic, social and health outcomes of WA’s COVID-19 management and response.