Do contractors need a WWC Check?

News story
The latest bulletin from the Working with Children (WWC) Screening Unit addresses some common misunderstandings regarding the hiring of contractors.
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Colourful graphic of man holding a ladder with the words "Are you hiring a contractor"

The Working with Children (WWC) Screening Unit’s latest bulletin for the education and child care sectors, helps to address common misconceptions around contractors and child-related work.

In the bulletin, the term contractor refers to a non-employee, for example an individual who is self-employed or employed by a third party.

The bulletin highlights:

  • the definition of child-related work in the Working with Children (Screening) Act 2004 (Act)
  • that most contractors are not deemed to be engaging in child-related work and are not eligible for a WWC Check
  • that organisation policies cannot override the requirements of the Act
  • examples of work that are unlikely to require an external contractor to hold a WWC Check

Organisations that engage contractors are encouraged to read the bulletin and review the resources that are specific to their sector, including:

For further clarification, organisations can also register for an online Ready, Check, Chat session with the Unit’s Community Engagement Team.

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