Registrations open for the WAIPS Portal

News story
Agencies and suppliers required to complete Western Australia Industry Participation Strategy (WAIPS) requirements can register their account ahead of the WAIPS portal launch on Monday 1 July 2024.
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Agencies and suppliers required to report under the Western Australian Industry Participation Strategy (WAIPS) can register their accounts before the new online Portal launches on Monday 1 July 2024.

Early registration ensures current WAIPS contract data is migrated to the portal and available at launch. It also provides access to a sandbox version of the Portal, allowing users to familiarise themselves with the platform.

The new Portal streamlines WAIPS requirements by replacing the need to download, complete, and email documents for WA Government contracts and participation plans. Users will complete all submissions online, receive email notifications for due reports, and access required templates directly.

Using the WAIPS Portal, agencies will create a Participation Plan Requirement before tender release. The process generates a unique link to the participation plan template via the Portal, which can be shared with potential bidders.

Bidders will submit participation plans through the usual channels but with an online form instead of a Word or paper form and will receive a PDF copy of the completed form via email to submit with their tender bid for assessment.

The WAIPS applies to all State Government departments, agencies, statutory authorities, and government trading entities. It does not apply to universities and local government procurement.

Register for WAIPS Portal

To learn more about WAIPS, visit the Western Australian Industry Participation Strategy page.

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