COVID-19 coronavirus

Find information and advice on the COVID-19 coronavirus for the community and businesses in Western Australia.
Last updated:

COVID-19 is a contagious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Symptoms can include:

  • fever (≥37.50C) or chills
  • cough
  • shortness of breath
  • sore throat
  • runny or blocked nose
  • loss of smell or taste.

Western Australia’s State of Emergency and the Public Health State of Emergency came to an end at 12:01am Friday, 4 November 2022. There are no declarations in place relating to COVID-19 in Western Australia.

Please continue to protect yourself and others from COVID-19. Remember to stay home if you have cold or flu symptoms, wear a mask as needed, and stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccinations.

There are currently no rules in WA that require you to self-isolate if you test positive for COVID-19. However, it is strongly recommended that you stay home for at least 5 days or until your symptoms have gone, and take steps to protect others.

If you have COVID-19 or are a close contact, do not visit high-risk settings (unless urgent medical care or treatment is required) such as hospitals, residential disability and aged care facilities or other healthcare settings.

Find information on COVID-19 health guidelines, vaccination and what to do if you test positive at:

HealthyWA: COVID-19 Health Information  Where to get vaccinated

Face masks

The use of face masks is not mandated in Western Australia. However, you may be required to wear a mask in high-risk settings such as hospitals, aged care and disability care facilities, or other medical facilities such as general practice. Please check with the facility before visiting.

Face masks are a simple and effective way to help limit the spread of COVID-19 and other illnesses. By wearing a face mask, you can help protect yourself and those around you.

Find out more information on face masks

Information for travellers

The Australian Government does not currently have any COVID-19 requirements in place for travellers entering and departing Australia.

International travellers, interstate travellers and returning WA residents:

  • do not need to show proof of COVID-19 vaccinations to enter WA

  • do not need to undertake any pre-departure or arrival COVID-19 testing

  • do not need to provide a G2G pass

Before undertaking international travel, check the requirements of airlines and vessel operators as well as the countries you are travelling to or transiting through.

Find out more information on travel requirements and steps you can take to stay safe. 

Managing COVID-19 in the workplace

There are currently no rules in WA that require you to self-isolate if you test positive for COVID-19. However, it is strongly recommended that you stay home for at least 5 days or until your symptoms have gone, and take steps to protect others.

Read the advice for people with COVID-19 and tell your employer straight away. Employers must follow a risk management approach to keep other workers safe from COVID-19.

For more advice and information about work health and safety, please contact WorkSafe at or call 1300 307 877.