Approvals WA

The Approvals WA portal is the first step in the Government’s commitment to improving the way industry and Government does business.
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Approvals WA helps proponents navigate State Government approvals processes across a range of project types.  Agencies regularly update and improve information.

Value Proposition Statement

Western Australia’s regulatory framework has key features and strengths that represent best practice regulatory design. This includes providing a safe and stable environment, transparent and integrated decision making, and efficient processes for proponents.  The Value Proposition Statement outlines the character and strength of Western Australia’s regulatory framework.

Statements of Expectation

The Western Australian Government’s overarching Streamline WA reforms are designed to build a 'one sector' mindset and improve service delivery. The Government’s Statement of Expectations for departments and Statement of Expectations for proponents ensure a clear, whole of government message is delivered to proponents and departments to help guide priorities and improve regulatory culture and practice. The Statements of Expectation reinforce that it is Government’s role to make the balancing decisions. 

Lead Agency Framework

The Lead Agency Framework is designed to ensure that proponents can be guided effectively through the Western Australian Government’s approvals processes.  The framework includes strengthened case management for complex proposals and State significant projects.