Jobs & Skills WA: Management of the training contract

Resources and information to assist registered training organisations contracted to deliver training funded by the Department of Training and Workforce Development, through Jobs & Skills WA, in meeting contractual obligations.
Last updated:

If you require clarification or assistance in relation to your contract, please contact your case manager directly.

Policy, fees, payments and pricing

All providers of Jobs & Skills WA training will charge the same course fees per hour; however, overall course fees may differ between training providers depending on the course content.

The Department's VET fees and charges policy, available below, outlines all the conditions and eligibility criteria for government subsidised training, including concession and fee cap information.

Payment tables

Payment tables are generated based on the Funded training list, and detail the total hourly rate (Government subsidy and student fee) that will be paid to the service provider for the qualification. They are available on the TAMS RTO portal.

Payment tables for each of the training programs available under contract

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