Gasfitting permit - Class G - New

Application for a new Class G gasfitting permit.

How to apply

Applications can be submitted:


Class G apprentice or trainee online application

Class G 'tradesperson restricted to work under supervision' online application

Class G gasfitting permit (installing NG and LPG) online application

By Post, or In Person

All applications must be made on the correct, fully completed application form.

If applying in person or by post your application also needs to be accompanied by a completed 

Details of how to apply in person or by post are included on the application form.

Should you have any queries regarding your application please contact 1300 489 099.

Fact sheet


Current application fees for gasfitters can be found in the fee schedule.

On-the-job training requirements including On-The-Job Training Record Log Book

How to demonstrate practical skills to carry out gasfitting work.

To be issued a Gasfitting Permit in Western Australia, a person must be able to demonstrate various requirements to the Director of Energy Safety, one of which includes demonstrating practical skills to carry out gasfitting work.

From January 2018, it is an Building and Energy licensing requirement that, a person who wishes to obtain a Class G Gasfitting Permit, enabling them to certify (submit notices of completion or eNotices) or to be able to supervise gasfitting work, the person is required to demonstrate that they have completed a minimum of 250 hours of relevant on-the-job training.

This minimum on-the-job training requirement is to ensure that trainees (including apprentices) who have completed training, have had the opportunity to learn relevant gasfitting skills, in the workplace rather than rely on training based on a simulated work environment at TAFE or at a private training institution.

Details of the various tasks and requirements that are required to be completed by the trainee can be found on our website, which includes a downloadable On-The-Job Training Record Log Book for recording the various tasks that have been completed.

A copy of a NOC/NOI or an eNotice number will provide most of the information required and the record of work must be recorded on either an electronic tracking system or in a paper based Training Record Book as appropriate.

For transition arrangements for apprentices who commenced their apprenticeship contract prior to 01 January 2018, please refer to the appropriate On-The-Job Record Training Log Book on our website (page 16 – Table 2). Those apprentices that are completing a minimum hours as per the table below should check that the tasks completed cover the tasks defined on pages 17-20. Should you have questions relating to this requirement please contact the Building and Energy Gas Inspection Branch as per the contact details below.

Apprenticeship contract signedMinimum hours
Between 1 July 2017 and 31 December 2017125 hours
Between 1 July 2016 and 30 June 201750 hours
Prior to 30 June 201618 hours (approx.)

Should the trainee be unable to complete the required on-the-job training component prior to completing their apprenticeship or training, the trainee will be able to obtain a permit enabling them to continue to work under supervision as a tradesperson.

For further information on the requirements contact Building and Energy Gas Inspection Branch on (08) 6251 1900.

Certificate of Competency

Scope of work

The below information provides a description of activities which Western Australia (WA) Certificate of Competency - Gasfitting Registration holders are permitted to perform. If you are a WA licensee visiting another state under AMR, you are only allowed to perform the activities listed below.

Before 1999, a different registration and classification system was in place. Some gas fitters still hold Certificates of Competency and old classifications.

Licence Identifier: GC00 – GC00000

Scope of Work

Any operation, work, or process engaged in or carried out in connection with the installation, removal, demolition, replacement, alteration, maintenance or repair of a gas installation in or on any land, premises, caravan, marine craft, or other thing shall be taken to be of the nature of gasfitting.

In relation to a mobile engine:

  • any operation, work, or process that does not involve or affect any fitting line or apparatus; or
  • any adjustment of the air-fuel ratio that does not involve the disconnection or dismantling of any fitting line or apparatus,

shall not be taken to be of the nature of gasfitting.

Does not include the replacement of LPG cylinders.

Specific Activities (by endorsed class)

Class CodeClass description
Aall gasfitting work on a consumer’s gas installation that uses or is to use gas less dense than air other than gasfitting work classified as of Class B, E, or F
Bservicing of any appliance or apparatus that uses or is to use gas less dense than air other than that classified as of Class F.
Call gasfitting work on a consumer's gas installation that uses or is to use gas denser than air other than gasfitting work classified as of Class D, E, or F.
Dservicing of any appliance or apparatus that uses or is to gas denser than air other than that classified as of Class F.
Eall gasfitting work on a consumer’s gas installation which includes an engine for the propulsion of a vehicle, which engine uses for fuel any gas mixture of gas and air, but does not apply to any other consumer’s gas installation whether or not that other installation is on or in a vehicle propelled by any such engine other than gasfitting work classified as of Class F
Fservicing of any appliance or apparatus in a consumer’s gas installation which includes an engine for the propulsion of a vehicle, which engine uses for fuel any gas mixture of gas and air, but does not apply to any other consumer’s gas installation whether or not that other installation is on or in a vehicle propelled by any such engine.

Compliance Requirements in WA

To get a WA Licence (no longer issued).

To keep a WA Certificate of Competency:

  • They must comply with the Gas Standards Act 1972 and the Gas Standards (Gasfitting and Consumer Gas Installations) Regulations 1999.

Converting a certificate of competency to a gasfitting permit

Your entitlements and how to obtain a gasfitting permit.

This application form is used to convert your certificate of competency to a gasfitting permit.

Fact sheet - converting gasfitting certificate of competency to permit

This fact sheet explains what your entitlements are and how to obtain a gasfitting permit when surrendering your certificate of competency to Building and Energy.

Certificate of competency (CoC)

CoCs were issued by the State Energy Commission (SEC) in the 1980's and early 1990's so that the holder could carry out gasfitting work.  Each CoC carried an endorsement identifying a class of gasfitting which the holder could perform:

  • Class A was for installation work where the gas in use was lighter than air i.e. natural gas;
  • Class B was for service work on installations where the gas in use was lighter than air;
  • Class C was for installation work where the gas in use was heavier than air i.e. LP gas;
  • Class D was for service work on installations where the gas in use was heavier than air;
  • Class E was for the installation on LP gas vehicle engines in accordance with AS 1425; or
  • Class F was for service work on LP gas vehicle engines which complied with AS 1425.

In the early 1990's the issuing of CoCs was phased out in favour of permits as the primary licensing method for gas fitters.


The Gas Standards (Gasfitting and Consumer Gas Installations) Regulations 1999 were introduced in 1999.  These regulations better reflected the needs of industry by referencing national standards and introduced a more appropriate gas fitter classification system:

  • Class G (general gasfitting) issued for gasfitting on consumer gas installations associated with Type A gas appliances (listed in the regulations) and piping systems operating up to 200 kPa;
  • Class I (industrial gasfitting) issued for working on Type B gas appliances and piping systems operating above 200 kPa;
  • Class E issued for working on mobile engines, cars or marine craft operating on gas; and
  • Class P issued for working on auto gas refuelling facilities.


All classes of gasfitting may be restricted e.g. restricted to installation or to LP Gas only etc.

For further information on the type of evidence required, contact the Gas Utilisation Branch on (08) 6251 1900.

Application for a permit and further information can be obtained from:

Building and Energy
303 Sevenoaks Street (Entrance Grose Avenue)
Cannington WA 6107
Telephone: (08) 6251 2000
Facsimile: (08) 6251 1902

Licensing office hours:
8:30am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday

Matrix - certificate of competency and permit class and restriction equivalents

Class G permit
Certificate of competency classEquivalent Class G permit
AInstalling Natural Gas
BServicing Natural Gas
A, BInstalling and servicing Natural Gas
CInstalling LP Gas
A, CInstalling Natural Gas and LP Gas
A, B, CServicing Natural Gas, installing Natural Gas and LP Gas
DServicing LP Gas
B, DServicing Natural Gas and LP Gas
A, B, DInstalling Natural Gas, servicing Natural Gas and LP Gas
C, DInstalling and servicing LP Gas
A, C, DServicing LP Gas, installing Natural Gas and LP Gas
B, C, DInstalling LP Gas, servicing Natural Gas and LP Gas
A, B, C, DNo restrictions
Class E Permit (covers mobile engines)
Certificate of competency classEquivalent Class E permit
E or E with CDInstalling LP Gas
F or F with CDServicing LP Gas
E, FInstalling and servicing LP Gas
E, F (Forklifts only)Installing and servicing Forklifts - LP Gas
Class G and Class E permits
Certificate of competency classEquivalent gasfitting permit class
A, B, C, D, EClass G - No restrictions
Class E - Installing LP Gas
A, B, C, D, FClass G - No restrictions
Class E - Servicing LP Gas
A, B, C, D, E, FClass G - No restrictions
Class E - Installing and servicing LP Gas

For Class I, Class P, or Class E endorsements for LNG or CNG contact Building and Energy.

This document is not intended to be a complete statement of Building and Energy's policy, nor does it attempt to waive or modify any legal obligation.

Last updated:
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