Implementing Respect@Work Progress Report

Implementing Respect@Work: WA State Government Progress Report
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In 2020, the Australian Human Rights Commission handed down the report Respect@Work: National Inquiry into Sexual Harassment in Australian Workplaces (the Respect@Work Report), which outlines 55 recommendations for government, industry, business and the community to prevent and respond to workplace sexual harassment.

The Western Australian State Government is responsible for implementing 12 recommendations of the Respect@Work Report and is actively contributing to the national implementation of a further six recommendations.

Since the first year of implementation, the Western Australian State Government has led the strengthening of regulatory frameworks and driven cultural change towards harassment-free workplaces for all employees through the recommendations of the Respect@Work Report.

The implementation of these recommendations involves the work of multiple State Government agencies in the areas of law reform, research and advocacy, health, education and community services. Partnership with key industry groups and peak organisations is a central component to achieving a shared vision of workplace safety and respect.

Implementing Respect@Work: WA State Government Progress Report 2023, developed by the Department of Communities, demonstrates the commitment and highlights the progress of the State Government towards the implementation of Respect@Work recommendations.

In the third year of reporting, five additional recommendations have been completed with the remaining four recommendations in progress.

The Department of Communities will continue to work in partnership with Commonwealth, State and Territory Governments alongside business, industry and the community sector to meet these shared goals.

Download each year's Progress Report (2021, 2022, 2023)