Internships in the public sector

Opportunities for university students to apply their professional skills and knowledge.
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Internships allow students to receive academic credit through applying their knowledge and skills from their formal study in a professional environment.

Benefits for students

  • Help government deliver better services
  • Generate innovative ideas to help solve real challenges for the community
  • Gain experience working in government
  • Have a taste of a career in the WA public sector
  • Gain academic credit towards studies

Benefits for agencies

  • Access skilled, knowledgeable and enthusiastic thinkers
  • Increase capacity to scope, undertake and complete key projects
  • Identify and train future prospective public sector employees
  • Increase workplace diversity
  • Create opportunities for staff to supervise and mentor interns
  • Create potential pathways into public sector graduate and cadetship programs

How to apply for an internship

McCusker Centre for Citizenship Internship Program

The McCusker Centre for Citizenship Internship Program Internships offers internships with not for profit, community and government organisations including WA public sector agencies.

This program is open to all undergraduate and postgraduate students at The University of Western Australia. Participants earn academic credit towards their qualifications.

Visit the McCusker Centre for Citizenship to find out how to apply.

Other internships

Some public sector agencies offer internships. These are often run in partnership with specific faculties in WA universities.

For more information students should speak with university support staff or directly contact an agency where are interested in being an intern.

A place of opportunity – Graduate employment programs and cadetships in the public sector


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