Jobs & Skills WA: Exiting the contract before its end date

Information to assist registered training organisations contracted to deliver training funded by the Department of Training and Workforce Development, through Jobs & Skills WA, wishing to exit their contract.
Last updated:

If you decide to discontinue your service delivery under the contract, you can choose to exit the contract at any time. You should establish an exit plan, which includes the elements outlined in the business rules.

Process for exiting the market

RTOs that are exiting the market must complete the following steps.

Step 1: Notification

You must formally notify the Department within 10 business days of this decision being taken. 

The notification should be endorsed by the Chief Executive Officer of the service provider, and include the last date of training and a timeframe for all Statements of Attainment to be issued.

Step 2: Finalise student records

You are required to finalise all students’ open units of competency (UoCs), and must not commence any new UoCs unless these can be completed prior to the RTOs nominated last date of training.

Step 3: Support for continuing students

You are required to assist the Department in finding an alternative service provider for any continuing students. 

Step 4: Issue statements of attainment

You must issue a statement of attainment to all current students.

Step 5: Final TAMS lodgement

You will need to submit a final TAMS lodgement, whereby all UoCs on the student record need to be final outcomes (ie prepare a lodgement with no ‘participating’ [outcome 5] or ‘yet to commence’ [outcomes 55 or 105]) to demonstrate that all activity has been finalised. 

The RTO must prepare the lodgement as a draft and notify their case manager via email. The case manager reviews the lodgement and determines whether any adjustments are required prior to the final submission. 

Once the lodgement has been finalised and the contracts acquitted, the Department will issue payment or an invoice depending on the outcome of the lodgement.

Need assistance?

If you require clarification or assistance in relation to your contract, please contact your case manager directly.

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