17th International Federation of Environment Health World Congress Perth

News story
We're proud to be sponsoring delegates from remote Indigenous communities to attend the Congress on Whadjuk Noongar country, Perth (Boorloo) on 20–24 May 2024.
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The Congress, hosted by Environmental Health Australia (WA) on behalf of the International Federation of Environmental Health, brings together environmental health practitioners, leaders, academics and business people from the local and global community to showcase their work and connect with each other.

This year’s Congress focuses on options to meet the challenges facing the environmental health profession and how practitioners can achieve a balance between development, health and the environment.

Minister Hon Reece Whitby, Minister for Energy; Environment; Climate Action will open the second day of the Congress on 23 May.

We join other industry leaders from around Australia to present at the Congress. Our Senior Water Planner Krish Seewraj will be part of the wastewater management workshop and Jon Button of our environmental noise team will be presenting on the evaluation of health impacts due to environmental noise exposure.

For more information visit the World Congress on Environmental Health website.