Electricity price changes in Western Australia from 1 July

News story
Electricity prices for households and some small businesses in Western Australia have increased by 2.5 per cent from 1 July, a level of increase below the national inflation rate.
Last updated:
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All eligible Western Australian households will receive a minimum $400 electricity credit to ease cost of living pressures. Small businesses supplied by Synergy or Horizon Power and using less than 50 megawatt hours of electricity per annum will receive a $650 credit on electricity bills. The State Government is working with the Commonwealth to consider options for eligible small businesses on embedded networks to access this support.

The Western Australian electricity system operates independently of the rest of Australia, with electricity prices for households and some small businesses being reviewed annually by the State Government as part of the State Budget process.

Regulated electricity prices for households and some small businesses in Western Australia increased by 2.5 per cent on 1 July this year.

Further information on the electricity credit assistance is available here.