The Commissioner visits Narembeen for SOCK Week

News story
It was fluoro everywhere when the Commissioner visited Narembeen for the last day of SOCK Week 2024
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The Commissioner reads a story to children in the library in Narembeen

Adrian Warner, the Road Safety Commissioner, spent a great day visiting Narembeen for the final day of SOCK Week (Save our Country Kids).

SOCK Week was founded by staff at the Narembeen Community Resource Centre in response to the tragic deaths of five young people from the Narembeen community on local roads.

The focus of SOCK Week has always been instilling safe driving behaviours into the community’s young people.

The Road Safety Commission funds SOCK Week, which has now been taken on by 23 other regional towns.

During his visit Adrian took part in the local library Story Time, visited the fantastic Narembeen School, met with local government councillors and first responders, and attended and made a short speech at the very moving community vigil to remember community members who had lost their lives on the roads.

A highlight of the day was the manner in which the whole town embraced the ‘Fluoro Friday’ theme. From the youngest child to the teachers to even the Shire President (who wore a very fetching pink tutu) – Narembeen was awash with fluoro gear symbolising the importance of being seen and being aware of danger on the roads.

'I want to thank Vanessa and her team at Narembeen who have been instrumental in making SOCK Week the success it has been,' Adrian said.

'It is a testament to the positive impact community members can make when it comes to road safety awareness.

'The Road Safety Commission is proud to support SOCK Week and I look forward seeing it go from strength to strength into the future,' the Commissioner said.

A police chopper lands on the lawn on an oval in Narembeen for SOCK week

The Police Air Wing visit Narembeen School

Adrian giving out prizes for best fluoro gear at Narembeen School

Adrian giving out prizes for best fluoro gear at Narembeen School

SOCK week memorial - outside on the grass at night

Sock Week Memorial – outside

A room full of people, with the Commissioner talking at the front of the room

Sock Week Memorial – Adrian makes a speech

The Commissioner and the Narembeen Shire President posing with a Instagram-style photo frame for SOCK week
The Commissioner and the children of Narembeen primary school
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