Expert Consumer Panel

The Expert Consumer Panel drives positive consumer outcomes in Western Australia's energy sector.
Last updated:

The Expert Consumer Panel provides aspirational and passionate individuals the opportunity to engage with the Western Australian energy sector. Panel members provide a voice for consumers and contribute to major decision making in the sector. Members are paid for their time.

Members of the Panel engage with the WA ACE Forum, participate in group learning activities and industry consultations, and can be nominated as consumer representatives on energy sector boards, committees and working groups.

Become a member of the Panel

You can nominate to become an Expert Consumer Panel member by participating in the expression of interest process.

The most recent expression of interest round closed 5pm (AWST) 6 May 2024.

To be notified when the next expression of interest round opens please subscribe to our newsletter.

Panel Membership

If you would like to make contact with a current Panel member, please contact Energy Policy WA via

Current Panel members

MemberAppointedCurrent term expiresAdditional energy sector appointments 
Chris AlexanderJune 2021June 2025Market Advisory Committee, Demand Side Response Review Working Group 
Noel SchubertJune 2021June 2025Market Advisory Committee, Cost Allocation Review Working Group, Demand Side Response Review Working Group, Reserve Capacity Mechanism Review Working Group, Wholesale Electricity Market Investment Certainty Working Group, Power System Security and Reliability Standards Working Group 
Luke SkinnerJuly 2022June 2024Wholesale Electricity Market Investment Certainty Working Group, Power System Security and Reliability Standards Working Group 
Dr Helen GrzybJuly 2024June 2025None
Rosh IrelandJuly 2024June 2026None

Previous members

MemberAppointedTerm Completed
Paul KeayJune 2021September 2022
Trish OwenJune 2021June 2022
Geoff WhiteJuly 2022January 2024
Graham HansenJune 2021February 2024
Analena GilhomeApril 2023May 2024
Jessie ParrishDecember 2022June 2024

Expert Consumer Panel submissions

A list of Expert Consumer Panel submissions is provided below. Please contact Energy Policy WA if you have an enquiry concerning any of the submissions.


Consultation/Review ProcessCopy of submissionDate lodgedExpert Consumer Panel submission/Individual member submission
Energy Policy WA -  Electricity Networks Access Code – Priority Projects Consultation PaperSubmission4 August 2023Panel submission
Economic Regulation Authority – Draft Decision – 2023 Review of the Compendium of Gas Customer Licence ObligationsSubmission20 September 2023Panel submission
Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation -Renewable Hydrogen Strategy Refresh - Consultation Paper Awaiting submission upload16 October 2023Panel submission
Energy Policy WA - Demand Side Response Review (Wholesale Electricity Market)Submission2 November 2023Chris Alexander and Noel Schubert (as Market Advisory Committee working group members supporting the Demand Side Response Review)
Economic Regulation Authority - ATCO Access Arrangement for period commencing 2025 – Issues PaperSubmission27 November 2023Panel submission
Energy Policy WA – Cost Allocation Review Wholesale Electricity Market Amending Rules – Exposure DraftSubmission27 November 2023Chris Alexander and Noel Schubert (as Customer Representatives on Market Advisory Committee)
Energy Policy WA - Benchmark Reserve Capacity Price Reference Technology Review – Consultation PaperSubmission30 November 2023Chris Alexander and Noel Schubert (as Customer Representatives on Market Advisory Committee)



Consultation/Review ProcessCopy of submissionDate lodgedExpert Consumer Panel submission/Individual member submission
Economic Regulation Authority - Western Power Access Arrangement 5 Tariff Structure Statement - Additional InformationSubmission25 July 2022Panel submission
Economic Regulation Authority - Western Power Access Arrangement 5 Tariff Structure Statement - Additional InformationSubmission26 July 2022Noel Schubert
Energy Policy WA - Market Power Mitigation Strategy (Wholesale Electricity Market) – Consultation PaperSubmission29 August 2022Panel submission
Energy Policy WA - Determination of Woodside Energy Pilbara Rule Change proposal PRC_2022_01Submission7 September 2022Panel submission
Energy Policy WA - Reserve Capacity Mechanism Review - Stage 1 Consultation PaperSubmission29 September 2022Panel submission
Energy Policy  WA - Renewable Hydrogen Target – Consultation PaperSubmission9 November 2022Panel submission
Economic Regulation Authority - Western Power Revised Fifth Access Arrangement


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Attachment 2

16 December 2022Panel submission
Energy Policy WA - Cost Allocation Review (Wholesale Electricity Market) – Consultation PaperSubmission9 February 2023Panel submission
Energy Policy WA - State Electricity Objective - Consultation PaperSubmissionMarch 2023Panel submission
Energy Policy WA - Electricity Industry (Alternative Electricity Services) Amendment Bill 2023 – Consultation DraftSubmission12 April 2023Panel submission
Energy Policy WA - Reserve Capacity Mechanism Review - Stage 2 Consultation PaperSubmission6 June 2023Panel submission



Consultation/Review ProcessCopy of submissionDate lodgedExpert Consumer Panel submission/Individual member submission
Economic Regulation Authority  - Western Power Access Arrangement 5 proposal and further revised proposal – Draft DecisionSubmission20 April 2022Noel Schubert
Economic Regulation Authority - Western Power’s Access Arrangement 5 proposal and further revised proposal – Draft Decision


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Attachment 3

29 April 2022Panel submission
Economic Regulation Authority - Consultation on Western Power’s draft Model Alternative Options Contract consultationSubmission10 November 2021Noel Schubert
Western Power - Draft Access Arrangement 5 Tariff Structure Statement - Consultation Paper (no consultation website page available)Submission10 November 2021Panel submission
Market Advisory Committee – request for comments on the Reserve Capacity Mechanism Review draft review scope (see agenda item 7 from page 37 of the associated Market Advisory Committee meeting papers).Submission is available at page 70 of Market Advisory  Committee meeting papers10 September 2021Panel submission
Economic Regulation Authority - Review of Synergy’s Regulatory Scheme 2018 - 2020 – Discussion PaperSubmission28 September 2021Panel submission

