Construction underway at Rossmoyne Senior High School

Construction is now underway on the Cook Government's significant $39.1 million redevelopment of Rossmoyne Senior High School.
  • $39.1 million redevelopment of Rossmoyne Senior High School is underway
  • Modern classrooms, STEM laboratories and library among the new facilities
  • Cook Government investing more than $1.5 billion towards education infrastructure

Construction is now underway on the Cook Government's significant $39.1 million redevelopment of Rossmoyne Senior High School.

Premier Roger Cook and Education Minister Dr Tony Buti attended the school today to inspect the works.

The major new build will deliver a range of new facilities for students including a two-storey classroom and library block.

The new library will provide a modern space with integrated technology and the capacity to cater for a larger number of students than the current facilities.

As part of the upgrade, new science facilities and STEM laboratories will also be developed.

New physical education changerooms, learning areas and staff areas round out the redevelopment.

The project was designed by Bateman Architects and is being built by Crothers Construction with an expected completion date for the final stage in late 2025.

The project is part of a significant capital works program underway across Western Australia, with the Cook Government investing more than $1.5 billion to build and improve public education facilities.

Comments attributed to Premier Roger Cook:

"Better facilities at our schools mean a better education for our kids.

"Our Government is getting on with delivering top-quality, modern education facilities across our State.

"The redevelopment of Rossmoyne Senior High School will incorporate an innovative design, seamlessly linking the existing school with this new development.

"This is an exciting project for the entire school community and the new Science, STEM and high-tech library facilities will provide students with a modern learning environment to excel and reach their potential."

Comments attributed to Education Minister Dr Tony Buti:

"It is wonderful to be here today to see the start of the revitalisation and rejuvenation of Rossmoyne Senior High School.

"This redevelopment is another important step for the future of the school and the local community with new facilities to enable the school to expand and cater for more students.

"It is vitally important to provide students with state-of-the-art learning environments, and the Cook Government is investing more than $1.5 billion to make this happen."

Comments attributed to Riverton MLA Dr Jags Krishnan:

"I'm delighted to see such a major election commitment of mine progressing.

"These significant upgrades will mean that the thousands of students enrolled at Rossmoyne Senior High School will have access to state-of-the-art facilities that will support the school's excellent academic and sports programs.  

"We are very proud of our track record of academic success in Riverton, and I'm thrilled that the Cook Government is committed to making sure the students and teachers at Rossmoyne Senior High School have all the resources they need to continue this trend."
