Lotterywest grant for Pilbara accommodation boost

The Cook Government is supporting an accommodation and training facility in Roebourne for apprentices and low-income trade employees with a $557,875 Lotterywest grant.
  • Cook Government supports the fit-out of an accommodation and training facility in Roebourne with a $557,875 Lotterywest grant
  • New purpose-built facility will provide wraparound support services for young Aboriginal workers

The Cook Government is supporting an accommodation and training facility in Roebourne for apprentices and low-income trade employees with a $557,875 Lotterywest grant.

The Ganalili project is being delivered by Yindjibarndi Aboriginal Corporation and will provide accommodation and wraparound support services including an onsite caretaker, as well as training, education and office facilities.

Three two-bedroom and six one-bedroom grouped dwellings will provide housing for Aboriginal apprentices and trainees, including those re-entering the community from the corrections system.

The grant will fund furniture, equipment and kitchen fit-out of the common areas and training room of the facility, as well as landscaping of the communal outdoor spaces.

Comments attributed to Housing Minister John Carey:

"This is a brilliant outcome for young Aboriginal people in the Pilbara and also for Yindjibarndi, who have worked hard to get this project up.

"This project is being funded through the Cook Government's $200 million North-West Aboriginal Housing Fund.

"The North-West Aboriginal Housing Fund's investment in Aboriginal led and owned initiatives like this facility reflects our Government's commitment to the Aboriginal Empowerment Strategy and Closing the Gap."

Comments attributed to Regional Development Minister Don Punch:

"I am proud the Cook Government is supporting this new purpose-built facility in Roebourne, that will provide wraparound support services for young Aboriginal workers in the Pilbara. 

"Lotterywest continues to be a great supporter of our regions through this initiative and many other projects around the State."

Comments attributed to Pilbara MLA Kevin Michel:

"Ganalili is Yindjibarndi for "a new dawn" and the development forms part of the fantastic Ganalili Centre rejuvenation.

"I'm proud that the Cook Government continues to assist the Roebourne community and this Lotterywest grant will go towards the fit out of the Ganalili Accommodation and Training facility."
