Further $6 million to find technological solutions for WA mining

Investing in research to find technological solutions has never been more important for the mining industry to enable it to continue to deliver economic, environmental, and social benefits to Western Australia.
  • Applications now open for research proposals for mining technology solutions
  • Extra $6 million over four years provided to Minerals Research Institute of Western Australia as part of State Budget 2022-23 

Investing in research to find technological solutions has never been more important for the mining industry to enable it to continue to deliver economic, environmental, and social benefits to Western Australia. 

This is why the McGowan Government has committed a further $6 million over the next four years to the Minerals Research Institute of Western Australia (MRIWA) to enable it to progress research in key focus areas.

In addition to the work already underway on the Net Zero Emission Mining and Green Steel Challenges, applications are now open for research proposals that find technology solutions in the following areas:

  • critical minerals - to enable security of supply for international markets and increased downstream processing;
  • precision and low impact mining to reduce waste and footprint of the sector;
  • alternative uses of tailings and waste from mineral processing, leveraging the principles of circular economy; and
  • the uptake of clean energy technologies to support growth in minerals. 

For more information, visit https://www.mriwa.wa.gov.au

Comments attributed to Mines and Petroleum Minister Bill Johnston:

"While the Western Australian mining sector has continued its strong performance, an opportunity exists to support the advancement of solutions that reduces processing costs and improves environmental outcomes.

"Western Australia should not just be a trusted supplier of commodities, but also a world-leader in innovation and technology.

"Setting an example for other countries by helping to reduce a mine site's environmental footprint and instil low impact mining is essential to delivering change."

Minister's office - 6552 6700
