METRONET Bill to enshrine rail commitment in legislation

The Thornlie-Cockburn Link and Yanchep Rail Extension have reached an important milestone, with the introduction of enabling legislation to State Parliament.
  • METRONET rail enabling Act introduced
  • Enabling legislation for the Yanchep Rail Extension and Thornlie-Cockburn Link introduced to Parliament
  • Projects on track for construction to start next year
  • Rail projects will reduce travel times and create jobs and integrated communities 

The Thornlie-Cockburn Link and Yanchep Rail Extension have reached an important milestone, with the introduction of enabling legislation to State Parliament.

The Railway (METRONET) Bill 2018 will authorise the rail infrastructure construction for these two projects, which will add significant capacity to Perth's public transport network. Upon enactment, construction can begin.

The 17.5 kilometre Thornlie-Cockburn Link will be Perth's first east-west rail connection by linking Thornlie Station to Cockburn Central Station on the Mandurah Line.

The project includes relocating the existing freight lines and building two new stations at Nicholson and Ranford roads.

When operational, it will be a 25-27 minute journey to Perth from Nicholson Road and a 28-30 minute journey to Perth from Ranford Road.

The enabling act also authorises the Yanchep Rail Extension - a project to extend the Joondalup Line from north of Butler Station and construct three new stations at Alkimos, Eglinton and Yanchep.

The Project Definition Plans for both projects will be finalised soon, with construction planned to start next year.

Comments attributed to Transport Minister Rita Saffioti:

"This is a major milestone for these two projects that will improve the connectivity of Perth's public transport network, while creating vibrant, connected communities for the city of our future.

"We will start building the Thornlie-Cockburn Link next year - about 125 years after the Armadale Line first opened. The Mandurah rail line, of course, was completed in 2007, built under the former Labor Government, and it is now the most patronised line on the network with more than 20 million trips a year.

"It will be joining of the old with the new - a heritage line linked to the modern Mandurah rail line.

"Both of these train lines are quite special to me, with my father helping to build some of the extra stations along the Armadale Line and for myself, having worked in the Gallop and Carpenter governments that built the Mandurah Line.

"This Bill also authorises the construction of a railway from Butler Station to Yanchep, to service one of Australia's fastest growing regions.

"The Yanchep Rail Extension will be a catalyst for major planned urban growth to facilitate better land use outcomes around train stations, which will ultimately lead to higher public transport patronage, shorter journey times and better access to jobs." 

Minister's office - 6552 5500
