Lisa Rodgers

Director General, Department of Education
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Lisa was appointed as the Director General of the Department of Education in January 2019. As a widely respected leader in education, Lisa is committed to the progress and achievement of children and young people across Western Australia.  

She is a powerful voice and advocate of reform and reconciliation and is highly committed to student outcomes, connected communities and effective leadership in schools. Her career in the public sector has seen her appointed to executive positions across Australia and internationally.  

She has held roles in psychology specialising in child mental health, has worked in intelligence in the British Army, led the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership, and was the Deputy Secretary of Education in New Zealand.  

Lisa has a degree in psychology and served as a Board Director on The Foundation for Young Australians.  

In 2021, Lisa was awarded the Australian Council for Educational Leaders Western Australian Pre Eminent Educational Leader Award and in 2023 was named Australian Council of Educational Leaders Fellow for her contribution to the improvement of student outcomes.