Louise Giolitto

Chief Executive, Officer Western Australian Council of Social Service
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Louise Giolitto has been part of the community services sector for more than 26 years, gaining a great insight into the needs of regional WA having worked in the Kimberley and in the Pilbara. Her prior positions have provided Ms Giolitto with valuable experience within a broad range of services provided by the sector. These included management of homelessness programs, housing, youth services, Aboriginal support programs, employment, education, training, mentoring, drug education, seniors and emergency relief.  

Ms Giolitto has a commitment and belief the community services sector needs collective commitment and leadership to improve the quality of life to community members disadvantaged by the inequities in our society. The Western Australian Council of Social Service (WACOSS) provides the ideal platform for the sector to support organisations deliver essential services, work collaboratively to advocate to government, raise community awareness, network and share best practice to address the inequities and provide a strong voice for those community members in need.