Agency Commissioning Plans

Government line agencies are required to develop and publish Agency Commissioning Plans under the State Commissioning Strategy Implementation Plan.
Last updated:

The State Commissioning Strategy for Community Services (the Strategy) has been developed to improve how government works with organisations to deliver community services to Western Australians in need. The State Commissioning Strategy Implementation Plan (the Plan) supports the transition to commissioning and under Priority 1 of the Plan, State government agencies are required to develop Agency Commissioning Plans (ACPs) to provide an update on their strategic commissioning activities.

ACPs provide a mechanism to clearly communicate with the sector and government how line agencies are driving change at a departmental and individual service or program level. ACPs for community services must align with the Strategy to ensure that services are appropriately targeted, and that Western Australia is moving towards a commissioning approach at a whole-of-government level.

Published Agency Commissioning Plans

Please see below links to ACPs published by State government agencies:

Mental Health Commission

Department of Education

Western Australian Police Force

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development

Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety

If you have any questions regarding individual ACPs, please contact the specific agency.