Avon Basin hydrological and nutrient modelling

Technical Report
Water Science Technical Series report WST 74 - Study to estimate river flows, and nitrogen and phosphorus loads within the Avon Basin under current conditions and a range of scenarios.
Last updated:

The Avon River system is the largest river system in the south-west of Western Australia, with a catchment area of approximately 120 000 km2. However, poor water quality is a major threat to their social values and ecology.

Current nutrient and sediment loads are causing environmental damage to the Avon Basin’s waterways and the Swan Estuary.

Macroalgal and potentially toxic microalgal blooms are common in tributaries, lakes and river pools. The Northam town pool suffers from (often toxic) algal blooms most summers.

In February 2013, a potentially toxic cyanobacterial bloom established itself in the 34 km stretch of the Avon River from Northam to Toodyay and persisted for approximately five weeks.

The appendices for this report are available for download.