Fact Sheet: TAC, NRT and AQF Logos

Fact sheet
This Training Accreditation Council (TAC) fact sheet explains the specific guidelines for when RTOs are able to utilise the Training Accreditation Council (TAC), Nationally Recognised Training (NRT) and the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) logos on advertisements and certification.
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TAC, NRT and AQF logos fact sheet - Print version - PDF (1.10MB)


The TAC, NRT and AQF logos can only be used by RTOs for nationally recognised training.

Third party organisations providing services on the RTO’s behalf are not able to use the TAC, NRT and AQF logos, as these logos are solely for use by RTOs issuing certification for nationally recognised training.

This fact sheet should be read in conjunction with:


  • The TAC and NRT logos are available to download via the RTO Portal.
  • AQF logos are available to download on the AQF website.

Training Accreditation Council logo

To protect the value of the TAC logo, it is important that it is used in a way that preserves its integrity and meaning as a symbol of nationally recognised training. All RTOs registered by TAC must adhere to the following guidelines.

The TAC logo must be used on all Australian Quality Framework (AQF) qualification certificates and Statements of Attainment. These can only be issued for nationally recognised training that is within an RTO’s scope of registration. The logo can only be used during the period of registration with TAC. The logo must not be included on any other document or transcripts of results.

The TAC logo may be used in advertisements, promotional information and student information, provided that:

  • it is used only in conjunction with nationally recognised training eg Training Package qualifications, units of competency and accredited courses and includes the correct national codes; and
  • the reproduction of the logo is in accordance with this Fact Sheet. 

The TAC logo must not be used on products such as corporate stationery, business cards, building signage, training resources and marketing products.

How to apply the TAC logo

The TAC logo can appear in two different formats:

  • the vertical format has the logotype centred under the symbol
  • the horizontal format has the logotype to the right of the symbol. No variation of these two formats, no matter how minor, are allowed. The symbol and logotype must be reproduced exactly as shown and faithful to the formats shown on the following page. The three colours must be used in the way shown at all times.

If all three corporate colours are not available, the one colour (monochrome) versions must be used. This means the logo can only appear in either all black or all corporate purple.

When a monochrome version is used, the area which would normally appear in yellow becomes a 30% tint of the colour used.

The TAC logo should (where possible) appear on a white background. If however, circumstances required the logo to be reversed out of a dark colour, then the logo must appear in white only without any tinted areas.

Examples of the correct use of vertical and horizontal formats of the TAC logo:


Applying the TAC logo correctly

It is the RTO's responsibility to ensure that designers, printers or publishing houses they engage adhere to the standards outlined in this Fact Sheet. Remember the following when applying the logo:

Nationally Recognised Training logo

The NRT logo is a distinguishable mark of quality for promoting and certifying national vocational education and training leading to Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) qualifications or Statements of Attainment. The NRT logo is a registered trade mark.


How to apply the logo

The following describes a range of situations and conditions for using the NRT logo as outlined in Schedule 4 of the Standards for RTOs:

Advertisements and promotional information in any medium (print, television, radio, banners, internet, etc.)

  • RTOs registered by any VET Regulator may use the NRT Logo to promote nationally recognised training provided that training is within the RTO’s scope of registration.
  • Impressions must not be created that may lead an observer to conclude the NRT Logo applies to all training provided by the RTO, if this is not the case. The NRT Logo cannot be used by an RTO where the training is accredited, but is outside the scope of registration of the RTO. Where training is being promoted and does not meet the requirements stipulated in the VET Quality Framework or is outside the RTO’s scope of registration, it must be made clear the NRT Logo is not associated with that training.
  • Use of the NRT Logo is only permitted where there is a direct relationship to an AQF qualification and/or unit of competency as specified within training packages or VET accredited courses.

Student information (brochures, course handbooks, prospectuses, etc.)

  • When an RTO is promoting the training it offers and wishes to use the NRT Logo, its promotional material such as brochures, handbooks and prospectuses must clearly distinguish between nationally recognised training within the scope of registration and that which is not nationally recognised.

Corporate stationery, business cards, buildings, training resources and marketing products

  • The NRT Logo must not be used on products such as corporate stationery, business cards, building signage, mouse pads, pens, satchels, packaging around products nor learning resources supporting training.

Certificates, Statements of Attainment and other testamurs

  • The NRT Logo must be depicted on all AQF certification documentation issued by the RTO. These can only be issued by an RTO when the qualification and/or unit of competency are within the RTO’s scope of registration. The NRT Logo must not be depicted on other testamurs or transcripts of results.

Format for reproduction

The NRT logo consists of both the triangular shape and the descriptor. The triangle is not to be used without the descriptor. The typeface is Fritz Quadrata. Under no circumstances is the descriptor to be typeset in any other typeface.

The NRT logo may be varied however, the proportions of the triangle and the descriptor in relation to each other may not be varied. The size and position of the NRT logo on the final product is at the discretion of the product designer. Under no circumstance should the logo be reproduced in mirror image or rotated.

Two colour reproduction

Where the NRT logo is reproduced in colour, it must comply with these colour requirements. Deviation from these colours is not permitted, nor are colours to be swapped around or stippled. The only colours to be used are:

One colour reproduction

Where the NRT logo is reproduced in one colour, it should preferably be in GREEN PMS 343 or, where this is not suitable, it may be reproduced in black.
In some situations the background colour may clash or the logo may not be prominent. In those situations, the black logo may be reversed out to display in white.

Australian Qualifications Framework logo

The Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) logo is a distinguishable mark of quality for identifying and promoting AQF qualifications as specified in the AQF.

It is important to read the Conditions for the use of the Australian Qualifications Framework Logo document in full before using the AQF logo.


The AQF Logo can be downloaded from the AQF website.

AQF logo Use

The AQF logo can only be used in association with AQF qualifications. RTOs and accrediting authorities may use the AQF logo on:

  • testamurs and graduation statements;
  • student information; and
  • advertising and promotional material.

The AQF logo must not be used:

  • on records of results;
  • on statements of attainment; or
  • on testamurs or graduation statements for non-AQF qualifications;
  • for corporate use including corporate stationery such as business cards and letterhead; building or other corporate signage;
  • for marketing products such as mouse pads, pens, satchels, product packaging; or
  • for educational resources used to support teaching and learning.

Use of the AQF logo on testamurs and graduation statements

For the use of the AQF logo on testamurs and graduation statements, the Conditions for the use for the Australian Qualifications Framework Logo must be read in conjunction with the Australian Qualifications Framework Second Edition January 2013, in particular the full AQF Qualifications Issuance Policy.

Either the AQF logo or the words ‘The qualification is recognised within the Australian Qualifications Framework’ will be used on testamurs or graduation statements for all AQF qualifications as specified in the AQF Qualifications Issuance Policy.

Student information

RTOs and accrediting authorities may use the AQF logo in any student information about the AQF qualifications that they are authorised to offer or are within their legislated authority. This may include course or institutional brochures, course handbooks and prospectuses.

The AQF logo cannot be associated with education and training that does not lead to an AQF qualification. Any student information which includes the AQF logo must clearly distinguish between AQF qualifications and those which are not AQF qualifications. The impression must not be created that may lead an observer to conclude that the AQF logo applies to all education and training provided, if this is not the case.

Advertising and promotional information

RTOs and accrediting authorities may use the AQF logo to advertise or promote AQF qualifications that they are authorised to offer or are within their legislated authority. This may include printed documents, the internet or the media (newspaper, journal or television).

The AQF logo cannot be associated with education and training that does not lead to an AQF qualification. If an RTO or accrediting authority is promoting both AQF qualifications and qualifications that do not meet the requirements specified in the AQF, it must be made clear that the AQF logo is not associated with those that are not AQF qualifications. The impression must not be created that may lead an observer to conclude that the AQF logo applies to all education and training provided, if this is not the case.

Standards for the use of the AQF logo

The AQF logo can only be reproduced from electronic copies available from the AQF website. To preserve the integrity of the logo and maximise its legibility, the following standards apply in all circumstances.

Logo Application StandardsExample of Incorrect Use
No element of the logo can be altered, moved or changed in any way.
Under no circumstance is the logo to be reproduced in mirror image or be rotated.

The AQF logo must:

• consist of both the circular/arrows shape and the words ‘Australian Qualifications Framework’

• be set in the typeface Gill Sans Light or Gill Sans Regular.

The complete AQF logo may be varied in size but the proportions of the circle/arrows and the words in relation to each other may not be varied.
The minimum clear space required around the logo image is 10mm on all sides. No other graphic or text elements may appear within the clear space.

Colour reproduction

The AQF logo must always appear in:

- Three colour reproductions using its principal Pantone spot colours

  • Orange PMS 114C
  • Aqua PMS 3272C
  • Purple PMS 258C

- Black C and White

- Reversed out of black


Three Colour Reproduction:

Where the AQF logo is reproduced in colour, it must be in the three colours specified above.

Black and White Reproduction:

Where the AQF logo is reproduced in one colour, it must be in black (as specified above) and white.

Reversed Out of Black Reproduction:

Where the AQF logo is reproduced in one colour and it is used on backgrounds where black print will not be legible, reversed black (as specified above) and white may be used.
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