Project 29 - Special constables

Independent report
Commenced: 1972; Completed: 1975
Last updated:

The reference arose partly as a result of the case De Vaney v Moore (unreported, Perth Court of Petty Sessions, 1970, No. 1261) which raised issues about the circumstances in which special constables may be appointed. At the time of the reference, special constables in Western Australia could be appointed under five separate pieces of legislation. However, the report focused primarily on appointments made under the Police Act 1892 (WA), under which a special constable had identical powers to those of a regular police constable.

Terms of Reference

In 1972 the Committee was asked to consider and report on the law relating to the appointment of special constables and on the extent of their powers.


The Commission’s recommendations were given effect with the passing of the Police Amendment Act 1980 (WA).