Sub-surface management plan - Lot 51 Mason Road, Kwinana Beach

Technical Report
Nufarm operations at the site comprise formulation, storage and distribution of agricultural chemicals.
Last updated:

This site is classified by the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation, under the Contaminated Sites Act 2003 as “Possibly Contaminated – Investigation Required”.

Investigations conducted at the site by Aurora and others have identified the presence of impacted soils within the operational area. Soils have been impacted by a variety of chemicals with different areas being impacted by different chemicals.

It is considered that the majority of sources of impacts are related to historical practices (prior to Nufarm’s acquisition of the Site in 1985) before the placement of hardstand which may have included uncontrolled filling, disposal of wastes to ground and inappropriate storage and handling of chemicals.

This document details the management controls required to ensure that impacted soils remain contained and if accessed, do not pose unacceptable health or environmental risks.