Achiever Awards

The annual Achiever Awards provide recognition, encouragement and financial assistance to young people aged 15 to 25 years who have been in the care of the Department of Communities and are undertaking further education and training that is not school based.
Last updated:

2024 Achiever Awards

If you know a young person who has been in Communities’ care and is currently enrolled in the first year of a degree, diploma, certificate, apprenticeship, traineeship, or course at an approved institution, or who has completed their Certificate III course of study in the six months prior to the Achiever Awards nominations opening, they may be eligible for an award.

Award recipients receive funding to assist with further study and/or training.

Nominations can be made by the case manager, education officer, Aboriginal practice leader, foster carer, relative or another interested person.

Nominations for the 2024 Achiever Awards opened on Monday 29 April 2024.

There are three award categories:

University Achiever Award

For a young person who has successfully completed Year 12 or equivalent and is currently in their first degree at university.

Prize: $4,000 + trophy

Registered Training Achiever Award

For a young person who is undertaking their first vocational education and training course in a Certificate III or higher at a registered training organisation or is undertaking a university preparation course at a university.

Prize: $1,000 + trophy

Apprenticeship or Traineeship Achiever Award

For a young person who is undertaking their first apprenticeship or non-school-based traineeship.

Prize: $1,000 + trophy

Additional Award:

The Community Spirit Award will be offered to an Achiever Award winner who has also made an important contribution to their community demonstrating impact on their school, work, cultural, local or other community endeavours including volunteering and/or advocacy.

Prize: $1,000 + trophy


To be considered for an award, the young person must:

  • be aged between 15 and 25 years
  • have spent at least 12 months in care of the Department of Communities
  • be currently enrolled in their first course of study at an approved educational or training institution, or an apprenticeship or traineeship, or who has completed or is due to complete a Certificate III course between November 2023 and July 2024.

Important: Previous Achiever Award winners cannot be nominated again in the same category.

Presentation events

Award nominees and up to five guests of their choice will be invited to attend a presentation event in Perth, which will be held on 1st August 2024.

The Department will meet the travel costs and the cost of one night’s accommodation for regional award nominees and one carer/guardian to attend the presentation event. All other costs (including transport, food and drink) need to be covered by the nominee and their carer/guardian.

Important dates

Close of nominations
Friday 14 June 2024

Finalists are notified;
Monday 1 July 2024