Our executive team

Our executive team leads and oversees the various operational pillars of our agency.
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Biosecurity and Emergency Management

The Biosecurity and Emergency Management pillar leads our work in minimising the risks and impact from biosecurity threats to Western Australia's people, environment and economy. We are the frontline defence to incursions related to exotic animal and plant pests and diseases. Our biosecurity prevention, detection, response and recovery services play an important role in maintaining market access for WA’s food industry.

Fisheries and Sustainability

The Fisheries and Sustainability pillar reflects our department’s ongoing important work to ensure Western Australia maintains its enviable reputation as a producer of safe, sustainable and biosecure agricultural, fisheries and aquaculture products. The pillar is responsible for aquatic resource management, agriculture resource management, resource assessment and monitoring, aquaculture management and operations and compliance. It also covers the department’s responsibilities in respect of agriculture resource management including the office of the Soil and Land Conservation Commissioner and our climate program.

Industry and Economic Development

The Industry and Economic Development (I&ED) pillar of DPIRD comprises the key functional areas of Regional Business Development, Agribusiness Food and Trade, Regional Programs, Policy and Investment Management and Aboriginal Economic Development.

Primary Industries Development

Primary Industries Development lead DPIRD’s work in research, development and innovation to boost the productivity, profitability and international competitiveness of our aquaculture, horticulture, grains and livestock industries across the value chain. Its ultimate purpose is to create enduring economic prosperity for Western Australia.

Corporate Services

Corporate Services provides the skills, systems, assets, policies, processes, finances and structure that allow the business to focus on creating value and impact for Western Australia’s regions and agriculture, aquaculture, food and fisheries sectors.

For more details, see DPIRD's organisation structure.


Our executive team

Heather Brayford – Director General

Heather has a wealth of knowledge and experience in the public sector, with a long career spanning public policy, regulation, industry development, and natural resource management. Heather thrives on working in partnership with stakeholders and building trust to support positive community outcomes. Before becoming DPIRD’s Director General, Heather served as the department’s Deputy Director General Sustainability and Biosecurity, and prior to that as Director General of the former Department of Fisheries. As a 2-term Director of the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, Heather understands the research and development landscape and has developed a strong knowledge of emerging challenges and opportunities for primary industries and the regions. Heather is a recipient of the 2020 Queen’s Birthday Public Service Medal for outstanding public service to legislative reform and policy development in WA. She is also a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and holds an MBA and Bachelor of Science.

Mia Carbon – Deputy Director General, Biosecurity and Emergency Management

Mia has more than 15 years’ experience in government trade and biosecurity roles in the United Kingdom and Australia. She has worked at DPIRD and the former Department of Agriculture and Food since 2012 in several senior leadership positions including Executive Director Biosecurity, Chief Veterinary Officer of Western Australia, and Director of Biosecurity Strategy. She has played a leading role in strengthening WA’s biosecurity system and emergency response preparedness and capabilities over this time through the delivery of policy, science, operational and regulatory programs. Before this, she held clinical and teaching roles in the veterinary industry and university sector. She is passionate about working with others to protect WA’s biosecurity status and reputation as a reliable producer of safe and biosecure agrifood and seafood products for the benefit of industries, communities and the environment. Mia holds degrees in veterinary sciences and an MBA.

Vaughan Davies – Deputy Director General, Fisheries and Sustainability 

Vaughan brings a wealth of experience to DPIRD, working in various leadership positions in both local and state governments, with experience spanning more than 20 years. He spent 10 years in local government working in community services across regional Western Australia and Queensland, before moving into a role as regional manager of Tourism WA based in Broome. He later moved to Perth and joined the Department of Aboriginal Affairs where he became the Director General of the department in 2016. Most recently, Vaughan has been the Heritage and Property Services Assistant Director General at the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage.

Paul Isaachsen – Deputy Director General, Industry and Economic Development

Paul is an experienced public sector executive having spent several years with the Department of Communities. As Assistant Director General, he held responsibilities for priority initiatives, organisational strategy, data functions and remote Aboriginal communities. He joined Communities in 2017 from the then Department of Regional Development, where he was part of the Regional Services Reform Unit leadership team. Paul has previously worked for the Wunan Foundation in the East Kimberley, the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet in Canberra, and law firm Ashurst. He has degrees in arts, law and public policy, and is passionate about sustainable economic and social development in regional WA.

Cecilia (Cec) McConnell – Deputy Director General, Primary Industries Development

Cec has been part of DPIRD’s Executive team since 2020, when she was appointed as the Commissioner for Soil and Land Conservation. In 2022, Cec was appointed as the Deputy Director General, Primary Industries Development. She held both roles until August 2023. Cec has previously held senior leadership roles with the former Department of Agriculture and Food, including as a regional director based at Northam. Cec has strong networks in agriculture developed through working and living in regional WA communities over the past 25 years. She holds a degree in geomorphology and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Louise Williams – Managing Director, Corporate Services

Louise commenced with DPIRD as the Managing Director of Corporate Services following a career spanning more than 25 years in strategy development and implementation, change management, human resources, organisational development and cultural transformation within the public sector. Before joining DPIRD, Louise held leadership and executive roles at Health Support Services (HSS). Most recently, Louise led the Transformation and Strategy Division at HSS, responsible for developing the new strategic plan and the internal COVID-19 response activities through the pandemic. Louise also led the People, Culture and Capability function. She previously held several People and Culture leadership roles at DPIRD and former Department of Fisheries. Louise has a Bachelor of Commerce, a Graduate Certificate in Business, and is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

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