The Supporting Communities Forum 2024-2025

An initiative to build a collaborative partnership between the WA Government and the community services sector, a key contributor to economic growth, employment and community wellbeing, particularly for vulnerable Western Australians.
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The Supporting Communities Forum (Forum) is a critical advisory board to the WA Government, which supports the development of strong, collaborative relationships between Government and the community services sector to address complex challenges and emerging issues. The community services sector is a key Government partner in the delivery of services and a significant contributor to economic growth, employment and community wellbeing, particularly for vulnerable Western Australians. 

In March 2024, a new two-year term of the Supporting Communities Forum was formally endorsed by Government, with its term ending on 31 December 2025. 

More information on the Forum is provided in the sections below. 

Meeting Schedule

The two-hour quarterly meetings of the forum in 2024 and 2025 will be held at Dumas House.
Meeting datesDeadline - Submissions due to Secretariat
Tuesday, 23 April 20245:00pm Friday, 12 April 2024
Wednesday, 19 June 20245:00pm Wednesday, 5 June 2024
Wednesday, 4 September 20245:00pm Wednesday, 21 August 2024
Wednesday, 27 November 20245:00pm Wednesday, 13 November 2024
Wednesday, 9 April 20255:00pm Wednesday, 26 March 2025
Wednesday, 18 June 20255:00pm Wednesday, 4 June 2025
Wednesday, 10 September 20255:00pm Wednesday, 27 August 2025
Wednesday, 19 November 20255:00pm Wednesday, 5 November 2025

Submissions are to be emailed to the Supporting Communities Forum Secretariat at

Meeting papers will be circulated to Forum members a week before each meeting.

For more information or questions, please contact the Forum Secretariat at

Communiques and Papers

Communique and Meeting Notes are released following each quarterly meeting of the Supporting Communities Forum. 

2024 Communiques

June 2024

April 2024

2024 Meeting Notes

April 2024

Forum Priorities and Workplan

During its two-year term until 31 December 2025, the Supporting Communities Forum will advise and focus on three key work priorities, which are: 

  • Implementation of the National Principles in Child Safe Organisations
  • Application of the Carers Recognition Act 2004 in Western Australia
  • Implementation of the State Commissioning Strategy for Community Services

Additionally, and within the context of its Terms of Reference, the Forum will continue building on established relationships with the Aboriginal Advisory Council of WA (AACWA) and the Ministerial Multicultural Advisory Council, to advise on key policy reform initiatives and ensure the interests of Aboriginal and culturally and linguistically diverse people and communities are appropriately addressed. 

Current Forum Membership

The Forum is Co-Chaired by Mr Dan Minchin, Chief Executive Officer of Chorus Australia Ltd., and Ms Lanie Chopping, Director General of the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries. The Deputy Chairperson is Ms Sandy McKiernan, Chief Executive Officer of the Youth Affairs Council of WA.

Membership consists of 10 Directors General and Commissioners from Government agencies, and 16 senior leaders from the community services sector. 

Supporting Communities Forum 2024-2025 – Membership

Supporting Communities Forum 2024-2025 – Membership List

Working Groups

All working groups established to deliver on a Forum priority are co-chaired by a community and Government sector member of the Supporting Communities Forum.

Forum working group membership comprises Forum members and co-opted participants. Co-opted participants may be asked to join as a working group member by the working group Co-Chairs, Forum Co-Chairs or members on a voluntary basis because of their specialist knowledge, skills and expertise relevant to a working group project.

Working groups will meet as required, and working group co-chairs will provide updates at each Forum meeting. 

Priority 1: Implementation of the National Principles in Child Safe Organisations

The priority Terms of Reference (once finalised) will outline the objectives, questions and deliverables for the Child Safe Organisations Working Group to address.

Working Group Co-Chairs

Sandy McKiernan – CEO, Youth Council of WA (YACWA)

Dr. Shirley Bowen – Director General, Department of Health

Working Group Secretariat

Phillipa Wenn – Senior Policy Officer, Department of Communities

Progress updates will be provided following each quarterly Forum. For more information, please contact the Supporting Communities Forum Secretariat at

Shaded names show current Supporting Communities Forum members, or representatives of current Supporting Communities Forum members.

Working Group Member


Matt FultonWA Institute of Sport (WAIS)
Vicki-Tree StephensYouth Involvement Council Inc.
Dr. Pauline RobertsEdith Cowan University
James ChristianCouncil of Aboriginal Services WA
Mark GlassonAnglicare WA
Caron IrwinDepartment of Communities
Audrey LeeDepartment of Communities
Lexie MortonDepartment of Health
Kait McNamaraDepartment of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries
Dawn FitzgeraldOffice of the Commissioner for Children and Young People
Dr Kelsie Prabawa-SearNature Play WA
Chris TwomeyWestern Australian Council of Social Service (WACOSS)
Leanne BarronStarick
Angie PerkinsYouth Focus
Pete MinchinSportWest
Lyn MillettAustralian Childhood Foundation
Tricia MurrayConsultant
Rowena MoudaNgunga Group Women’s Aboriginal Corporation, Derby Early Years Partnership
Laurel SellersNgunga Group Women’s Aboriginal Corporation, Derby Early Years Partnership
Andrea CreadoYorgum Healing Services
Dr. Rebecca BrahamShooting Stars
Chris KaneWA Primary Health Alliance
Kim GatesAboriginal Health Council of Western Australia (AHCWA)

Priority 2: Application of the Carers Recognition Act 2004 in Western Australia

The priority Terms of Reference (once finalised) will outline the key objectives, questions and deliverables for the Carers Working Group to address.

Working Group Co-Chairs

Jo Sadler – CEO, WANSLEA

Maureen Lewis – Commissioner, Mental Health Commission

Working Group Secretariat

Adelaide Follington – Principal Policy Officer, Women and Carers, Strategy and Partnerships, Department of Communities

Progress updates will be provided following each quarterly Forum. For more information or if you have any questions, please contact the Supporting Communities Forum Secretariat at

Shaded names show current Supporting Communities Forum members, or representatives of current Supporting Communities Forum members.

Working Group Member


Wendy RoseKin Disability Advocacy
James ChristianCouncil of Aboriginal Services Western Australia (CASWA)
Tim Grey-SmithCommunity Employers WA
Emma JarvisPalmerston Association
Kelda OppermanZonta House Refuge Association Inc.
Kylie MajDepartment of Justice
Caron IrwinDepartment of Communities
Annie YoungMoorditj Koort
Richard NewmanCarers WA

Priority 3: Implementation of the State Commissioning Strategy for Community Services

Note: This priority of the Forum will be progressed by an existing cross-sector working group led by the Department of Finance and as part of implementing the Delivering Community Services in Partnership Policy and State Commissioning Strategy for Community Services.

Progress updates will be provided at each quarterly Forum meeting. For more information or if you have any questions, please contact the Supporting Communities Forum Secretariat at